Sunday, November 27, 2016

Isn’t it unethical or dishonest (if not fraud) to blindly support or promote any theory or concept by ignoring or hiding counter-evidence?

Dear Friends,

The widely accepted ethical obligation and code of conduct among the research communities is: It is unethical or dishonest (if not fraud) to blindly support or promote any theory or concept (in the theoretical foundation for or Body of Knowledge of any scientific discipline) by deliberately ignoring or hiding counter-evidence. It is a moral and ethical obligation for each and every researcher to address each of the demonstrable counter-evidences for any theory or concept he/she is defending or promoting.

The sacred duty of researchers of each of the scientific or technological disciplines is to investigate evidence for eliminating flawed pieces of knowledge such as theories or concepts form the BoK (Body of Knowledge), for example, if and when irrefutable counter-evidence is presented or demonstrated. Ignoring (even due to prejudice) or hiding (by being complacent) such demonstrable counter-evidence is also unethical abdication of the sacred duty.

Any accepted piece or part of knowledge (e.g. theory or concept in the BoK) could cause irreparable damage, if it is fundamentally flawed. For example, each new piece or part of knowledge would likely be corrupted, if it is added by relying on such fundamentally flawed pieces of knowledge. Such corruption spreads overtime, if the BoK is expanded by adding more and more new pieces or parts of knowledge (by relying on such flawed or corrupted pieces of knowledge), which eventually results in altered perception of reality (e.g. paradoxical paradigm). Also, it is a fool’s errand to rely on such flawed or corrupted BoK (by engineering researchers) for making any useful technological invention. It is the sacred duty and moral obligation of each and every researcher to prevent such insidious spread of corruption and dangerous consequences of such BoK having large chunks of corrupted knowledge.

I am sure every scientist in the world must agree that: The biggest and most well-documented mistake in the history of science is “relying on a flawed myth (i.e. the Earth is static) without properly testing and/or validating it”. The “scientific method” was formulated and formalized in the 17th century in the light of pain and suffering endured and insights gained from the first-hand experience of putting the research efforts onto the right path by exposing the error. The “scientific method” was formulated particularly to avoid this kind of mistake at any cost: To prevent researchers form relying on flawed assumptions (e.g. rooted in prejudice, fantasy or myths), which are in contradiction to the objective reality.

Answer to this question is objective reality: Which planet is at the centre of our planetary system? Relying on the wrong answer (the Earth is static at centre) to this question about 2000 years ago diverted mankind’s research efforts (e.g. for understanding the reality by finding rational explanation) into a wrong path. The research efforts persisted in the wrong path for nearly 1500 years without realizing the error. This resulted in the geocentric paradox – a flawed altered perception of reality.

Software researchers repeated the same kind of mistake. Repeating exactly same kind of mistake in the 21st century must be shocking.  Even more shocking is that many software researchers reacting not much different from the ignorant fanatics in the dark ages, who actively supported killing of Giordano Bruno and life imprisonment of Galileo. This kind of mistake is not committed by any other discipline in past 400 years. The researchers of software are ignoring or hiding demonstrable counter-evidence that falsifies their theories or concepts.

The answers to these 2 questions are objective realities (1) what is the nature and true essence of CBD (Component Based Design/development) for physical products and (2) what is the unique nature and essential properties uniquely and universally shared by each and every known physical component in the world. Researches of computer science (software) repeated this kind of cardinal sin nearly 50 years ago by ignoring such objective realities. The myths and assumption at the root of the existing CBSD paradox are in clear contradiction to the objective reality (as the flawed belief/myth “the Earth is static” at the root of geocentric paradox was in clear contradiction to the reality).

The nature and properties of so called software components and CBSD (CBD for software) were blindly defined (based on fantasy, prejudice and wishful thinking) 50 years ago without any consideration to the objective reality. The research efforts have been persisting in the wrong path for 50 years without realizing the error. This resulted in existing CBSD paradox – a flawed altered perception of reality. A huge BoK (Body of Knowledge) accumulated for 50 years comprising tens of thousands of published papers and thousands of books world over backed by epicycles of software as empirical evidence in support of the geocentric paradox of the software.

I have been doing research passionately (ever since I accidentally stumbled onto a fascinating new kind of software components 15 years ago), which lead to the discoveries of nature and reality such as true essence of CBD and essential properties of physical components. My patented inventions are rooted in such discovery of the reality and facts about the components and CBD.

I informed hundreds of respected researchers and leading scientists about the nature and true essence of real-CBD: and provided demonstrable counter-evidence, which demonstrates that it is possible to invent real-software-components for achieving real-CBD for software (that exposes flawed myths at the root of existing paradox)

The above evidence clearly contradicts the concepts in published papers and books. Unfortunately, many respected researchers have been using so many unsubstantiated dishonest excuses to evade their ethical or moral obligation to address counter-evidence. Promoting any concepts or theories without addressing known counter-evidence is unethical and it is fraud to deliberately hiding such counter-evidence. Even after knowing the possible evidence that prove their concepts and theories are no more than epicycles of software engineering’s geocentric paradox, they continue to promote their concepts and theories by deliberately ignoring the clear counter-evidence.

Empirical falsification is proven scientific method for detecting flawed pieces of knowledge and for eliminating corrupted chunks of knowledge in the BoK. Deliberately ignoring or hiding demonstrable empirical counter-evidence is abdication of moral and ethical obligations. Software researchers committed or repeated a huge mistake. Exposing it leads to software engineering revolution. I can’t believe, researchers in the 21st century repeating one of the biggest mistakes in the history. More shocking is they are reacting no differently from the fanatics in the dark ages. Even after knowing counter evidence, many choose to ignore the evidence to promote the geocentric paradox of software. Initially I thought they were complacent and/or prejudice. But after so many attempts spanning many years, I am beginning to think that they have abdicated their sacred and ethical duty.

How any flawed piece of knowledge could ever be falsified, if the researchers deliberately ignore or hide empirical counter-evidence that can clearly falsify the piece of knowledge? Isn’t it unethical or dishonest (if not fraud) to blindly support or promote any theory or concept by ignoring or hiding counter-evidence? This kind of behavior must not be tolerated by honest and genuine researchers in the interest of scientific and technological progress. Such behavior causes irreparable damage to BoK, by injecting and promoting corruption.

Best Regards,
Raju S Chiluvuri

Friday, November 18, 2016

Isn’t it scandal (if not fraud), if scientists continue to rely on flawed myths which blatantly violate objective reality by ignoring clear warnings?

Dear Friends,

I am sure almost every scientist in the world must agree that: The biggest and most well-documented mistake in the history of science is “relying on a flawed myth (i.e. the Earth is static) without validating it”. The “scientific method” was formalized and formulated in the 17th century particularly to avoid this kind of mistake at any cost by the very researchers and philosophers who had endured pain, suffering and deep insights gained form the first-hand experience of facing violent resistance in exposing such error (or flawed perception of reality).

Software researchers repeated exactly the same kind of mistake. Repeating exactly same kind of mistake in the 21st century must be shocking to anyone.  Even more shocking is that many software researchers reacting not much different from the ignorant fanatics in the dark ages, who actively supported killing of Giordano Bruno and life imprisonment of Galileo. Even the ignorant fanatics in the 16th and early 17th century may be justified by saying that there was no mature proven “scientific method”.

Answer to this question is objective reality: Which planet is at the centre of our planetary system? Relying on the wrong answer (the Earth is static at centre) to this question about 2000 years ago diverted mankind’s research efforts (e.g. for understanding the reality by finding rational explanation) into a wrong path. The research efforts persisted in the wrong path for nearly 1500 years without realizing the error. This resulted in the geocentric paradox – a flawed altered perception of reality.

The “scientific method” was formulated and formalized in the 17th century in the light of pain and suffering endured and insights gained from the first-hand experience of putting the research efforts onto a right path by exposing the error. The “scientific method” was formulated particularly to avoid this kind of mistake at any cost: To prevent researchers form blindly relying on flawed assumptions (e.g. rooted in prejudice, fantasy or myths), which are in clear contradiction to the objective reality.

Researches of computer science (software) repeated this kind of cardinal sin nearly 50 years ago. The answers to these 2 questions are objective realities (1) what is the nature and true essence of CBD (Component Based Design/development) for physical products and (2) what is the unique nature and essential properties uniquely and universally shared by each and every known physical component in the world. The myths and assumption at the root of the existing CBSD paradox are in clear contradiction to the objective reality (as the flawed belief/myth “the Earth is static” at the root of geocentric paradox was in clear contradiction to the objective reality).

The nature and properties of so called software components and CBSD (CBD for software) were blindly defined (based on fantasy, prejudice and wishful thinking) 50 years ago without any consideration to the objective reality. The research efforts have been persisting in the wrong path for 50 years without realizing the error. This resulted in existing CBSD paradox – a flawed altered perception of reality. A huge BoK (Body of Knowledge) comprising tens of thousands of published papers and thousands of books world over backed by epicycles of software as empirical evidence in support of the geocentric paradox of the software.

No one in the world ever tried to discover objective reality or answers to the above two basic questions, which must be at the root of real-CBSD. Also Most of the researchers are refusing to know the objective reality. Deliberately ignoring the objective reality and facts is widely considered to be unethical and even scientific fraud. Once the facts are in the open or clearly informed, it is a fraud, if any scientist or researcher continue to promote his theories or concepts, by hiding or deliberately ignoring any evidence, facts or objective reality that contradicts his proposed theories or concepts. Any discovery of fact or theory is valid only if it can’t be falsified. So, it is a fraud to promote such fact or theory by hiding or deliberately ignoring contradicting evidence, facts or objective reality.

We discovered the objective reality about the CBD and components backed by evidence and facts. Today it is impossible to deny the objective reality about the CBD and the objective reality about the components. For example, in light of the objective reality (i.e. the Sun is at the centre), isn’t it obvious that geocentric paradox was rooted in fundamentally flawed myth (i.e. the Earth is static at the centre)? Likewise, in light of the objective reality about the CBD and components, it is obvious that the exiting BoK (Body of Knowledge), about so called software components and CBSD paradox, is rooted fundamentally flawed assumptions (e.g. prejudice or myths). Existing definitions and perceptions are in clear contradiction to the objective reality.

If you are working with elephants at a Zoo, when any other animal (e.g. pig or rat) is shown to you, would you insist that it is an elephant? Likewise, no one would ever agree that any of the kind software components known today is a component, if he knows objective reality about the physical components (such as nature and essential properties). If you working with horses for months at a racecourse, when any other animal (e.g. cat or rat) is shown to you, would you insist that it is a horse? Likewise, no one would ever agree that any of the kind CBD for Software known today is real-CBD, if he knows the objective reality about the CBD of physical products (such as nature and true essence).

Computer science was in its infancy 50 years ago and many things were unknown, so software researchers made many assumptions based on (their prejudice and wishful thinking) preconceived notions that computer science was a branch of mathematics and cannot be a real science. This became self-fulfilling prophesy by making computer science a fake science, because software researchers (who are predominantly having background in mathematics) have been working under such flawed preconceived notions and biases of mathematicians (e.g. mathematicians are only trained in “” not trained in the “scientific method”).

The geocentric paradox was defended by using observations such as epicycles and retrograde motions, without realizing they were using illegal circular logic. This is what has been happening in the computer science as well. The researchers are using countless epicycles (e.g. tens of thousands published papers and thousands of books in the existing paradoxical BoK) accumulated for past 50 years for defending the flawed myths at the root of existing CBSD paradox. The experiences and observations of epicycles and retrograde motions were real (i.e. anyone could observe by standing on so called static Earth at the centre) but we know what went wrong.

The same thing has been happening in the software. Without realizing that they are using illegal circular logic, many researchers are using the experiences and observations of the existing CBSD paradox (i.e. altered/flawed perception of reality) to justify the myths at the root of the existing CBSD paradox. Many seminal works such as “mythical man month” or “no silver bullet” further strengthen the conformational bias. The software crisis is real in the existing CBSD paradox as the epicycles were real in the geocentric paradox. It is impossible explain the illusion of such epicycles without going to the root cause. But saying “the Sun at centre” was perceived to be heresy and repugnant 500 years ago. Likewise, questioning the validity of myths at the root of existing CBSD paradox are perceived to be repugnant.

Except researchers of computer science (software), no other 21st century researchers of any discipline refuse to know or deliberately ignore objectivity reality. Unfortunately many software researchers chose to rely on such myths, even when facts and objective reality is demonstrated. Software researchers assumed computer science can’t be a real science, so software researchers put no effort to use “scientific method” for acquiring necessary knowledge essential for addressing many problems such as real-CBSD or Real-Artificial-Intelligence. Such problems can’t be solved without discovering objective reality about components, CBD, neurons or neural networks by using “scientific method”.

Best Regards,

Raju S Chiluvuri

Friday, November 11, 2016

I disparately need help: How can I put research in the right path, which ended up in a wrong path due to mistakes committed 50 years ago?

Dear Friends,

The biggest mistake in the history of science (committed by researchers) was relying on untested and unproven flawed myth (i.e. the Earth is static) for understanding the reality about nature. Exposing this error led to the greatest scientific revolution in the history of mankind, but many great researchers had to endure huge pain and suffering during 16th and early 17th century for exposing this error. Researchers learned many valuable lesson (from to the pain and suffering) that relying on a flawed myth diverts research efforts into a wrong path.

The scientific methods were formulated and formalized (e.g. by major players in the scientific revolution Galileo, Descartes etc.) in the 17th century in the light (i.e. firsthand experience) of pain and suffering endured for exposing the error (at the root of the infamous scientific crisis due to then prevailing geocentric paradox) to prevent the repeat of this kind of error at any cost. This kind of errors side track research efforts into a wrong path, hence must be avoided at any cost:

There is no exception to this rule: Research efforts of any scientific discipline ends up in a wrong path, if researchers started relying on a fundamentally flawed assumption/myths. If the research effort are invested for advancing by accumulating scientific or theoretical BoK (Body of Knowledge) in such a wrong path (without detecting the error), the accumulated BoK (e.g. retrograde motions and epicycles) fundamentally alters the perception of reality of researches and resulting in a paradoxical paradigm and deeply entrenched conventional wisdom (which is in clear contradiction to the objective reality).

            For example, the untested and unproven flawed assumption (i.e. the Earth is static) led the research efforts into a wrong path about 2000 years ago. The research effort are invested for advancing or accumulating scientific or theoretical BoK (Body of Knowledge) in such a wrong path (without detecting the error) for about 1500 years that resulted in accumulation of the BoK (e.g. retrograde motions and epicycles), which fundamentally alters the perception of reality of researches and resulting in geocentric paradoxical paradigm and deeply entrenched conventional wisdom (which is in clear contradiction to the objective reality – Existing BoK for heliocentric paradigm). It altered the perception of reality so mush so, in the 16th & early 17th century saying anything that contradicted the myth (i.e. Earth is static) offended commonsense. For example, researchers even felt insulted by the truth and many of them viciously attacked anyone (e.g. Galilio and Giordano Bruno) tried to expose the Truth.

            We all assume this kind of thing could never happen in the 21st century. Unfortunately software researches repeated exactly this kind of mistake 50 years ago, which diverted research efforts into a wrong path. The research effort are invested for advancing or accumulating scientific or theoretical BoK (Body of Knowledge) in such a wrong path (without detecting the error) for about 50 years that resulted in accumulation of the BoK, which fundamentally alters the perception of reality of researches and resulting in existing CBSD paradoxical paradigm and deeply entrenched conventional wisdom (which is in clear contradiction to the objective reality – the real CBD).

Many times more research effort has been invested in accumulating many times more elaborate BoK for existing CBSD paradoxical paradigm during past 50 years than the research effort invested for 1500 years for in accumulating BoK for geocentric paradoxical paradigm. The shocking fact is, the researchers even in the 21st century feel offended by the Truth (if the Truth contradicts their unproven flawed myths) and reacting no differently that the research community in the 16th and early 17th century.

Is it hard to understand that it is wrong to rely on untested and unproven myths for advancing our knowledge and understanding by accumulating and expanding BoK (body of Knowledge)? Is it hard to understand that relying on flawed myth diverts their research efforts into a wrong path, which certainly leads to a paradoxical paradigm, if the BoK were expanded for long enough period without realizing the error?

Is it acceptable, if any researcher in 21st century feel offended by the Truth (that contradict their altered perception of reality) and resort to personal attacks or unethical tactics to humiliate anyone trying to expose the error? The 50 years old assumptions (e.g. unproven prejudice) and definitions (e.g. for so called software components) at the root of software engineering in general and CBSD in particular fundamentally flawed, which diverted research efforts into a wrong path. The software researchers have been accumulating and expanding the BoK in the wrong path for past 50 years (without realizing the error), which resulted in the existing CBSD paradoxical paradigm and altered perception of reality.

There is only one right path for any scientific discipline such as physics, which must go through flawless facts such as “the Sun is at the center”, universal gravity, Newton’s three of motion and many other proven scientific discoveries and accepted theories during past few centuries. If there is any accepted theories have errors and relying on such theory diverts research efforts into a wrong path. Mankind’s scientific and technological progress ends up in a crisis, if the research efforts persistent in the wrong path for long enough (without realizing the error) and accumulated large enough BoK (Body of Knowledge) by relying on the flawed theory (or myths perceived to be facts).

Mankind cannot afford to repeat this kind of mistake again and again. One must endure huge pain and suffering, if he tries to expose such kind of errors (because the respected researchers and scientists even in the 21 century have been reacting no differently than the researchers in the dark ages of science 16th century and early 17th century). I have been enduring humiliating insults, snubbing and personal attacks, if I try hard to expose the mistakes in the theoretical foundation at the root of exiting software engineering paradigm in general and CBSD (Component Based Software Development) in particular.

I cannot give up this noble effort (despite humiliations and suffering inflicted by incompetent or fake scientists), because research efforts of tens of thousands of researchers have been already wasted for past few decades on the geocentric paradox of software engineering and if I fail, next generations of young software researchers continue to waste hard work and researcher efforts for many more decades in pursuit of fool’s errand (i.e. perfecting the retrograde motions and epicycles of the geocentric paradox of software engineering).

This mistake already cost trillions to world economy and would end up costing trillions more, if I fail. It is well known that computers in general and software in particular playing increasingly vital role in every aspect of mankind and particularly in accelerating the research efforts in every discipline of science and technology. Hence solving software crisis (by exposing the error) would have far researching implications in every scientific and technological progress (e.g. in the efforts of each and every researcher in this world sooner than later). So kindly help me in my noble effort, which certainly help progress in your discipline.

Best Regards,

Raju S Chiluvuri

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Why many respected scientist feel it is a fraud/scam or crime to request for proof or question the validity of untested dogmatic myth?

Dear Friends,

About 2000 years ago research community erroneously concluded that “the Earth is static”. The research community relied on such error (i.e. dogmatic myth) for understanding the reality, which diverted their research efforts into a wrong path. These research efforts spanning next 1500 years resulted in evolution of a complex geocentric paradox (e.g. fundamentally altered perception of reality, which is in clear contradiction of the reality) and a deeply entrenched conventional wisdom backed by huge BoK (Body of Knowledge).

Unfortunately saying the Truth “the Sun is at center” 500 years ago perceived to be insulting the common sense and deeply entrenched conventional wisdom. Saying or implying anything that disputed or disagreed with such dogmatic myth “the Earth is static” was perceived to be arrogant, disrespectful or even fraud/scam. Researchers who questioned the myth (e.g. by saying anything that implied that the Earth is moving) were imprisoned or even killed during 16th and early 17th century (now we call this period Dark Ages of Science).

It is impossible to put research efforts onto the right path without exposing this error. Mankind still would be in the dark ages, if the research efforts were not put on the right path by exposing the error. How is it possible to put the research efforts on the right path, if the research community perceives that it is a scam/fraud to say any thing that disputes or disagrees with such dogmatic myth? Of course, many researches and scientists would resort to humiliating insults and personal attacks against anyone, if he/she is doing something that is perceived to be fraud/scam. Computer Science (Software) is still in the dark ages of science, because respected scientists and researchers of computer science (software) learned nothing from such painful history during the dark ages of science.

Unfortunately, software researchers 50 years ago erroneously concluded that the nature and true essence of CBD (Component Based Design/Development) for software is building each product by assembling reusable and/or standardized software components from 3rd party component vendors. They used following analogy to summarize the nature and true essence of CBD: The hardware designers design and build computers by assembling reusable (or COTS – Commercially off the Shelf) components from 3rd party component venders. Such reusable software parts were even referred to as Software-ICs by many respected researchers and thought leaders.

The researchers relied on such error for achieving equivalent CBD by inventing such so called software components, which diverted their research efforts into a wrong path. Investing research efforts for past 50 years in a wrong path resulted in evolution of a complex software engineering paradox (e.g. fundamentally altered perception of reality, which is in clear contradiction of the reality we know in the physical world such as CBD of physical products). Today research community refusing to explore any other path, if the proposed path is in contradiction to their flawed perception of reality and their dogmatic myths. In fact, many researchers today even perceive such proposal to be a fraud/scam.

Unfortunately respected researchers of 21st century are reacting no differently then the researchers in the dark ages of science. Today it is perceived to be arrogant, repugnant or even fraud/scam to say anything that is in contradistinction to their altered perception of reality and dogmatic myths (e.g. large reusable software parts are components, and using such so called software components is CBD). But it is impossible to put research efforts on the right path without exposing the myths. No meaningful progress is possible for achieving real CBD until the research efforts are put on the right path by exposing the error.

The reality and facts about real-CBD, such as implementing over 90% of the features and functionality is custom replaceable components. – This is clear contradiction to the retrograde motions and epicycles of deeply entrenched conventional wisdom and CBD paradox exists today. It is impossible to achieve gestalt-shift into new paradigm without contradicting the retrograde motions and epicycles of deeply entrenched conventional wisdom of the existing CBSD paradox. But any attempt to expose the error is perceived to be scam/fraud. Today no one even know what the reality is, and consider that it is fraud/scam, if any one requests them for an opportunity to provide proof for the Reality, since the reality disagrees (e.g. is in clear contradiction) with the altered perception of reality (filed with the retrograde motions and epicycles of software).

How can I expose flawed dogmatic myths at the root of Body of Knowledge for computer science (software) without being perceived to be a scam/fraud?

Best Regards,

Raju Chiluvuri